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This publication is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/launch-programme-education-initiative-request-for-information-rfi/request-for-information-guidance
RFI opens: 6 August 2024
Deadline for submissions: 30 August 2024
To respond to this RFI, please download and complete the Request for information response form to spaceflight@ukspaceagency.gov.uk.
1. Background
The UK Space Agency want to use Launch to inspire the next generation of space professionals and secure a pipeline of home-grown talent, from a diverse range of backgrounds and skills sets.
To achieve this, the UK Space Agency has previously delivered a range of initiatives to inspire young people about space and increase awareness about the careers available in the space sector with a view to encourage the update of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) subjects. Initiatives have included our LogoLiftOff! competition aimed at Primary-aged children, our Nanosat Design and Build competition for those aged 16+ and our Space For Everyone replica rocket tour which visited 13 cities across the UK in 2023.
The Launch Programme is currently scoping the opportunity to develop a targeted in-person launch-themed activity aimed at young people aged between 11 and 16 years old to enable participants to learn about launch from the UK and encourage them to consider a career in the sector.
2. Request for information (RFI) requirement
We are inviting relevant organisations to submit ideas for a targeted in-person launch-themed activity aimed at young people aged between 11 and 16 years old, with a focus on those from under-represented groups, to enable participants to learn about launch from the UK and encourage them to consider a career in the sector.
The primary objectives of the 11 to 16 year old education initiative are to:
- inspire and engage young people aged 11 to 16, about space and launch from the UK, with a particular focus on those from under-represented groups
- increase awareness among young people aged 11 to 16 about the diverse range of careers available in the UK sector and how to find out more about these, with a particular focus on those from under-represented groups
- encourage uptake of STEAM subjects among young people in order to sustain the future talent pipeline, with a particular focus on those from under-represented groups
Proposed interventions/activities could include a range of resources such as VR headsets, video content, hands-on activities to effectively engage and inspire young people. It is intended that activity should be supported by a range of online resources to ensure those not able to participate also benefit. To achieve this and ensure best use of time and budget, we encourage applicants to draw upon and incorporate resources developed for previous UK Space Agency launch-themed education initiatives such as our LogoLiftOff! And Space For Everyone resources, rather than developing new materials.
Proposals should outline the mechanisms through which activities will be delivered (ie, in-person visits to targeted schools/educational establishments). We also encourage applicants to think creatively and consider what other delivery mechanisms would effectively meet the stated project objectives.
The estimated budget for this activity is £300,000 and all aspects of proposals must be deliverable within this sum.
Proposed ideas must:
- engage young people 11 to 16 years old, with a particular focus on those from under-represented groups – see target audience criteria below
- engage young people in an easy and entertaining manner with a view to inspire an interest in, and want to find out more about launch from the UK and the UK’s Launch programme
- be supported by a range of online resources to ensure those not able to participate to also benefit as well as supporting PR and communications activity. In order to ensure best use of the budget available, we encourage applicants to consider drawing upon existing launch-focused UK Space Agency educational materials such as our Space For Everyone materials rather than developing a new suite of educational resources
- be simple to use and administer and have no barriers to engagement. Therefore, it must not incur any fees/payment for participants or schools/establishments taking part (ie, proposed ideas must not have sign-up costs or place any additional burden on teachers/educators/carers)
- visit a number of targeted schools/groups, informed by robust demographic research, in order to reach our target audience. Proposals should set out how many schools/establishments/groups and young people that could be engaged within the budget outlined
3. Target audience
We aim to engage young people aged 11 to 16 years old with a focus on those from under-represented groups, our target being that at least 55% of those engaged in-person through the campaign are from under-represented groups comprising of:
- diversity: 15% of those taking part from non-white minority
- household deprivation: 30% of those taking part are deprived in one dimension (education/income/employment/health or housing)
- income deprivation: 10% of area deprivation
- at least 50% of those taking part are female
4. Anticipated reach and learning outcomes
RFI responses must clearly set out how many young people proposed initiatives would expect to reach and the anticipated learning outcomes. Estimates must be deliverable within the estimated campaign budget of £300,000.
Responses should also outline how reach and learning outcomes will be measured and evaluated.
5. Request for information terms
This RFI is intended to be a request for information only. No contractual obligation is expected to arise from this RFI process.
This RFI does not commit the UK Space Agency to pay any cost incurred in the preparation or submission of any response to the RFI.
Responding (or failing to respond) to this RFI will not prevent or influence participation in any future calls for information or tender proposals.