Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (2024)

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (1)

This is a ranking page for the hero Heiðr - Innocent Goddess from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Heiðr.

List of Contents

  • Rating and Basic Information
  • Best IVs
  • Best Builds
  • Stats
  • Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses
  • Should you Unlock Potential?
  • List of Skills
  • Community Feedback
  • How to Obtain / Illustrations / Voice Actor / Quotes
  • Related Guides
Legendary Heroes - Alear: Engaging Fire Featured Heroes
Attuned Triandra
Legendary Myrrh
Legendary Ninian
Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (9)Heiðr
Attuned Peony
Legendary Alear (M)

Heiðr Rating and Basic Information

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (14)

Overall Rating9.0/10
Reroll Ranking (excluding Inherit Skill)A
(▶Reroll Ranking)
Ranking (including Inherit Skill)A
(▶FEH Tier List)

Heiðr - Innocent Goddess: Basic Information

Color / Weapon Type / Move Type

Green/Green Tome/Infantry


5 Star

What Kind of Character Are They? ・Weapon skill inflicts stat penalties and 【Guard】 onto multiple foes, grants bonus stats, true damage based on Atk, and damage reduction on foe's first attack to unit.
・Exclusive Rally assist grants Atk/Spd bonuses, 【Canto (1)】, 【Treachery】, and 【Dual Strike】 to unit and target ally, and grants an extra action to unit upon use.

Heiðr Skills at 5★


Might: 14 Range: 2
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit or target's unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 and 【Guard】 on foes in cardinal directions of unit and target through their next actions. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.

Gold Serpent

Range: 1
Grants the following effects to unit and target ally for 1 turn: from turn 1 on, grants Atk/Spd+X (X = number of turns x 2; max 8); from turn 2 on, enables 【Canto (1)】; from turn 3 on, grants 【Treachery】; and from turn 4 on, grants 【Dual Strike】. Grants another action to unit. (Additional action and effects other than stat bonuses granted once per turn only. This skill is treated as a Rally Assist skill.)

Remote Sparrow

If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+7 during combat and reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 30%.

Mag. Null Follow

Inflicts Spd/Res-4 on foe, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (example: a foe with a "reduce damage by 45%" skill would reduce damage by 23% instead).

Panic Smoke 4

After combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-3 and 【Panic】 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions, and grants 【Foe Penalty Doubler】 to unit and allies in cardinal directions.
【Foe Penalty Doubler】
Inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = any current penalty on each of those stats through their next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.

Heiðr Best IVs

Recommended IVs

StatSuperboon/SuperbaneIV Recommendation
HP (16)Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (24)★★☆☆☆
Atk (15)Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (25)★★★★★
Spd (10)Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (26)★★★★★
Def (5)Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (27)★★☆☆☆
Res (5)Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (28)★☆☆☆☆

◯ = Stat gains +4 with a superboon, ✕= Stat goes down by -4 with a superbane, - = No assets or flaws

See the IV Checker for All UnitsTrait Fruits—How to Change IVs

When using an Ascendant Floret, we recommend getting the next superboon if it fits the hero. If not, consider what stat your hero needs most.

+Spd / -Res

The best IVs for Heiðr are +Spd and -Res. Even though Atk is a superboon, Spd is Heiðr's most important stat, with her high base 45 Spd and Mag. Null Follow prompting her into using her Spd stat to create follow-up attacks.

Her Res is a clear dump stat at only base 20 and is the easy bane of choice, as no amount of investment will salvage her low magical bulk.

+Spd for a +10 merge

We recommend +Spd when merging up Heiðr to +10 for similar reasons above. Spd is her most important stat and should be maximized as much as possible.

Heiðr Best Builds

General Use / Budget Heiðr


Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (29)Heiðr

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (30)Gold Serpent

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (31)Glimmer

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (32): -

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (33)Remote Sparrow

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (34)Mag. Null Follow

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (35)Panic Smoke 4

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (36)Blade Session 3

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (37): -

How to Use, Explanation

Heiðr's base kit already allows her to become an effective nuke. With only the special slot missing, we recommend using Glimmer due to its accessibility and low cooldown charge.

Source Heroes for All Skills

Heiðr Stats

Stat Rankings

Neutral Stats at Lv. 40 (5★)

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (38)38

Rank: 714/1117

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (39)45

Rank: 18/1117

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (40)45

Rank: 27/1117

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (41)29

Rank: 464/1117

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (42)20

Rank: 829/1117

Stat Values

Lv 40+10 Stats (5★)

+10 Merges W/ Skill Bonuses4364503324 214
Lv.40 +104350503324 200
HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
Lv.40 +10
45 49 49 33 24 200
Lv.40 +10
42 53 49 33 24 201
Lv.40 +10
42 49 52 33 24 200
Lv.40 +10
42 49 49 36 24 200
Lv.40 +10
42 49 49 33 27 200

Stats at Lv 40

5★- Adjusted for Skills3859452920191
5★ Lv.403845452920177

Initial Stats (with Skills)

5★ Lv.11629105565

Stat Comparison of Similar Heroes


Fallen Nergal

40 45 16 39 43 183

New Year Kvasir

40 45 47 21 30 183

Rearmed Sonya

38 47 32 20 45 182

Ascended Ced

43 45 46 22 26 182

Brave Soren

40 45 34 16 47 182

Tea Tailtiu

39 42 44 21 31 177


38 46 27 22 44 177

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (50) Heiðr

38 45 45 29 20 177

Legendary Robin (M)

40 45 30 31 31 177


40 44 28 20 45 177


37 41 44 17 38 177


40 42 41 30 18 171


41 39 23 32 36 171

Young Ilyana

40 41 30 18 42 171


41 37 17 40 36 171

Legendary Byleth (M)

40 39 41 25 21 166


40 38 39 19 30 166


43 37 36 20 30 166


40 40 24 24 37 165


40 36 42 21 26 165

Young Merric

41 34 41 21 25 162

Legendary Celica

40 38 38 18 28 162


40 33 39 23 27 162


37 35 39 19 31 161


37 35 36 17 31 156


38 34 37 17 25 151

Note: Stats bonuses from skills are not taken into account.

Heiðr Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Heiðr Roles

Heiðr - Innocent Goddess Roles
Close-Physical Ranged-Physical Close-Magic Ranged-Magic
Physical Wall Magic Wall Effective Weapon Movement Assist
Exclusive Skill All-Range Counter Recovery Refresher
Legendary Mythic Duo / Harmonized Resplendent

Heiðr is a ranged magic attacker (range = 2). Therefore, when not accounting for the Weapon Triangle, the amount of damage she deals will be equivalent to her Atk minus the foe's Res stat.

Heiðr Strengths

Heiðr (Tome) has external effects upon using Rally assists

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (85)

Heiðr's exclusive tome named after herself, Heiðr, has multiple effects that trigger both in and out of combat.

Upon using a Rally assist skill, Heiðr inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 and 【Guard】 on foes in cardinal directions of Heiðr and the target ally. This effect softens up the enemies and prevents them from charging up Special skills, allowing your team to proceed forward without fear of receiving a huge nuke.

In combat, Heiðr grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5, true damage equal to 15% of Heiðr's Atk, and 30% damage reduction on her foe's first attack.

Gold Serpent grants stat bonuses alongside multiple effects

Heiðr's exclusive Rally assist Gold Serpent grants multiple effects upon use depending on the current turn.

Below is a summary of these effects:

Turn number Effect
Turn ≥ 1 Grants Heiðr an additional action (once per turn only).
Turn ≥ 1 Grants a visible Atk/Spd+X bonus to Heiðr and target ally, where X = number of turns x 2 (max 8).
Turn ≥ 2 Grants【Canto (1)】 to Heiðr and target ally.
Turn ≥ 3 Grants【Treachery】 to Heiðr and target ally.
Turn ≥ 4 Grants【Dual Strike】 to Heiðr and target ally.

This exclusive Rally assist skill gets stronger as the battle drags on, allowing Heiðr and her allies to power through the map and clear it.

Heiðr Weaknesses

Subpar Magical Bulk

Heiðr's base 38 HP and base 20 Res are pitifully low, leaving her prone to defeat in one attack from any decent magical attacker.

Keep her away from foes that deal magic damage to ensure her survival.

Should you Unlock Potential?

Should You Unlock Potential for this Hero? Cannot Unlock Potential

Heiðr - Innocent Goddess Only Appears as a 5 Star Hero!

Heiðr - Innocent Goddess only appears as a 5 Star Hero. We will include whether or not you should Unlock Potential for Heiðr - Innocent Goddess if a 4 Star version is released!

Unlock Potential Tier List

Heiðr - List of Skills


Skill NameMightRangeEffectLearned At


142Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit or target's unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 and 【Guard】 on foes in cardinal directions of unit and target through their next actions. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.5★


Skill NameRangeEffectLearned At

Gold Serpent

1Grants the following effects to unit and target ally for 1 turn: from turn 1 on, grants Atk/Spd+X (X = number of turns x 2; max 8); from turn 2 on, enables 【Canto (1)】; from turn 3 on, grants 【Treachery】; and from turn 4 on, grants 【Dual Strike】. Grants another action to unit. (Additional action and effects other than stat bonuses granted once per turn only. This skill is treated as a Rally Assist skill.)5★


This Hero has no Special skills that can be learned.


Skill NameEffectLearned At

Swift Sparrow 1

If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd +2 during combat. 5★

Swift Sparrow 2

If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd +4 during combat. 5★

Remote Sparrow

If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+7 during combat and reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 30%.5★

Null Follow-Up 1

At start of combat, if unit’s HP = 100%, disables foe’s skills that guarantee foe’s follow-up attack and foe’s skills that prevent unit’s follow-up attack.5★

Null Follow-Up 2

At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 50%, disables foe’s skills that guarantee foe’s follow-up attack and foe’s skills that prevent unit’s follow-up attack.5★

Null Follow-Up 3

Disables foe’s skills that guarantee foe’s follow-up attack and foe’s skills that prevent unit’s follow-up attack.5★

Mag. Null Follow

Inflicts Spd/Res-4 on foe, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (example: a foe with a "reduce damage by 45%" skill would reduce damage by 23% instead).5★

Panic Smoke 1

If unit initiates combat, inflicts【Panic】on target and foes within 1 space of target after combat.
Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

Panic Smoke 2

If unit initiates combat, inflicts【Panic】on target and foes within 2 space of target after combat.
Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

Panic Smoke 3

Inflicts【Panic】on target and foes within 2 spaces of target after combat.
Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

Panic Smoke 4

After combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-3 and 【Panic】 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions, and grants 【Foe Penalty Doubler】 to unit and allies in cardinal directions.
【Foe Penalty Doubler】
Inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = any current penalty on each of those stats through their next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.

Heiðr as a Source Hero

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (99)

Value of Skills ★★★★★

Heiðr has Remote Sparrow, Mag. Null Follow, and Panic Smoke 4 as valuable inheritance options.

Before using Heiðr as inheritance fodder, we recommend acquiring the pre-requisite skills onto the receiving unit first. Skills like Swift Sparrow 2 and Null Follow-Up 3 aren't too difficult to acquire, and inheriting them beforehand allows the receiving unit to obtain multiple skills from one copy of Heiðr.

List of Source Heroes The Best Fodder Units

Community Feedback

How would you rate Heiðr?

Top tier hero. Must summon. 51


Summon if you need his/her hero archetype. 0


Summon if you like this hero. 11


Summon for his/her Skill Inheritance options. 1


Pass on this hero. 1


If you have feedback about this hero page, let us know in the comments section below!

How to Get Heiðr / Illustrations / Voice Actor / Quotes

How to Get Heiðr

Obtain Through Regular Summon

Heiðr is a Hero who can be pulled from any summon.

Note: Not currently a featured hero in any Summon events.

Current Focuses and Which You Should Pull From

Voice Actor and Illustrator Information

Voice Actor
Alice Himora
Illustrator Yoshiku
Appears In

Fire Emblem Heroes


Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (100)

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (101)

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (102)

Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (103)

FEH: Related Guides

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Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (104)

Heroes from Legendary Heroes - Alear: Engaging Fire
Attuned Triandra
Legendary Myrrh
Legendary Ninian
Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (112)Heiðr
Attuned Peony
Legendary Alear (M)

See All Green Heroes

▶︎Return to the Green Heroes Page

All Types of Green Weapons

Close-Range Ranged
Axe Green Tome
Green Breath Green Dagger
Green Beast Green Bow
Heiðr Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)|Game8 (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

Last Updated:

Views: 5527

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.